Saturday, April 18, 2015

Turkey Spaghetti Bolognese

Hi everyone

It has been a while since I have posted on here, and I apologize for being gone for so long, but I am back with brand new recipes that I have tried out and I honestly think I have done a pretty good job first time round.

Today I want to start with a Turkey Spaghetti's simple, easy to make and very delicious.

I start off by boiling some water in a big pot to get the pasta started and at the same time, I start chopping up some onions and throw them into a pan to fry. Once the onions start turning a little yellow, I spice up the ground Turkey with some salt, pepper, onion powder, and I also throw in a bay leaf. You can spice up the ground Turkey according to what you and your family like, it doesn't necessarily have to be the way I spice it :)

Stir the onions and the ground Turkey a couple of times until you can see the meat is starting to cook and when the onions start turning brown, just keep adding water each time so that it doesn't dry out and you don't burn the onions or the meat.

Don't worry...I didn't forget about the pasta LOL! Once the pasta is soft and boiled properly then slowly pour the pasta into a sieve so that it drains all the water. Be sure to rinse the pasta about one or two times with cold water just to cool it off a bit.

Now all that needs to finish up is the ground Turkey, once that is done and you are ready to eat, dish up some spaghetti with ground Turkey ontop and you are ready to enjoy your yummy meal. :)

Well there you have it! Again....I am so so SO sorry for not keeping to my blog and posting all the time, things have just been a little hectic, but I will be keeping on it and posting a lot more of my new and yummy dishes! :)

Have a great day!

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